SelaginellaCyc 9.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Selaginella moellendorffiiProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Smoellendorffii_91_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SelaginellaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 445Number of Reactions: 3103Number of Compounds: 2495Number of Enzymes: 5466Number of Citations: 3941
CoastRedwoodCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Sequoia sempervirensProtein Sequence Source: TreeGenes: SESE.2_1.peptides.fa.gz Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CoastRedwoodCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 432Number of Reactions: 2795Number of Compounds: 2366Number of Enzymes: 6617Number of Citations: 3789
SwitchgrassCyc 8.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Panicum virgatumProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Pvirgatum_450_v4.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SwitchgrassCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 530Number of Reactions: 3492Number of Compounds: 2866Number of Enzymes: 25856Number of Citations: 4660
EsalsugineumCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Eutrema salsugineumProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Esalsugineum_173_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: EsalsugineumCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 485Number of Reactions: 3193Number of Compounds: 2527Number of Enzymes: 6730Number of Citations: 4047
LettuceCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Lactuca sativaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome 12: Lsativa_467_v5.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: LettuceCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 519Number of Reactions: 3429Number of Compounds: 2790Number of Enzymes: 14776Number of Citations: 4541
Ntabacum_tn90Cyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Nicotiana tabacumProtein Sequence Source: SGN: Ntab-TN90_AYMY-SS_NGS.prot.annot.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: Ntabacum_tn90Cyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 605Number of Reactions: 4008Number of Compounds: 3247Number of Enzymes: 14074Number of Citations: 5384
AlyrataCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Arabidopsis lyrataProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Alyrata_384_v2.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: AlyrataCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 506Number of Reactions: 3306Number of Compounds: 2636Number of Enzymes: 6990Number of Citations: 4311
PhalliiCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Panicum halliiProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13Phallii_590_v3.2.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: PhalliiCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 512Number of Reactions: 3272Number of Compounds: 2643Number of Enzymes: 8553Number of Citations: 4373
BstrictaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Boechera strictaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Bstricta_278_v1.2.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: BstrictaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 492Number of Reactions: 3190Number of Compounds: 2531Number of Enzymes: 6734Number of Citations: 4120
SetariaCyc 8.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Setaria italicaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v11: Sitalica_312_v2.2.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SetariaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 514Number of Reactions: 3293Number of Compounds: 2676Number of Enzymes: 9162Number of Citations: 4404
CocoaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Theobroma cacaoProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Tcacao_233_v1.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CocoaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 515Number of Reactions: 3320Number of Compounds: 2686Number of Enzymes: 8863Number of Citations: 4470
TeaCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Camellia sinensis sinensisProtein Sequence Source: Tea Plant Information Archive: Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: TeaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 513Number of Reactions: 3285Number of Compounds: 2669Number of Enzymes: 10655Number of Citations: 4437
EuropeanpearCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Pyrus communisProtein Sequence Source: Genome Database for Rosaceae: PyrusCommunis_BartlettDHv2.0.pep.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: EuropeanpearCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 503Number of Reactions: 3257Number of Compounds: 2625Number of Enzymes: 8468Number of Citations: 4372
LjaponicusCyc 5.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Lotus japonicusProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13: Ljaponicus_571_Lj1.0v1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: LjaponicusCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 513Number of Reactions: 3195Number of Compounds: 2593Number of Enzymes: 6690Number of Citations: 4345
ObarthiiCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oryza barthiiProtein Sequence Source: Ensembl: Oryza_barthii.O.barthii_v1.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: ObarthiiCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 506Number of Reactions: 3306Number of Compounds: 2686Number of Enzymes: 7943Number of Citations: 4456
AlyssumCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Lobularia maritimaProtein Sequence Source: NGDC: GWHANWC00000000.Protein.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: AlyssumCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 333Number of Reactions: 1938Number of Compounds: 1687Number of Enzymes: 1211Number of Citations: 2738
PigeonpeaCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Cajanus cajanProtein Sequence Source: Legume Information System: cajca.ICPL87119.gnm1.ann1.Y27M.protein_main.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: PigeonpeaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 518Number of Reactions: 3393Number of Compounds: 2694Number of Enzymes: 7445Number of Citations: 4476
CacuminataCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Camptotheca acuminataProtein Sequence Source: Medicinal Plant Genomics Resource: Lachesis_assembly.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CacuminataCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 506Number of Reactions: 3244Number of Compounds: 2621Number of Enzymes: 6602Number of Citations: 4362
SfallaxCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Sphagnum fallaxProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13: Sfallax_522_v1.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SfallaxCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 422Number of Reactions: 2979Number of Compounds: 2398Number of Enzymes: 10646Number of Citations: 3815
CommonbeanCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Phaseolus vulgarisProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Pvulgaris_442_v2.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CommonbeanCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 515Number of Reactions: 3280Number of Compounds: 2610Number of Enzymes: 8794Number of Citations: 4432
TeffCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Eragrostis tefProtein Sequence Source: CoGe: 50954-CDS-prot.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: TeffCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 421Number of Reactions: 2613Number of Compounds: 2239Number of Enzymes: 2903Number of Citations: 3759
FlaxCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Linum usitatissimumProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Lusitatissimum_200_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: FlaxCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 536Number of Reactions: 3435Number of Compounds: 2778Number of Enzymes: 10564Number of Citations: 4654
LperrieriCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Leersia perrieriProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v34: Leersia_perrieri.Lperr_V1.4.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: LperrieriCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 507Number of Reactions: 3248Number of Compounds: 2660Number of Enzymes: 8095Number of Citations: 4324
ObrachyanthaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oryza brachyanthaProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v34: Oryza_brachyantha.Oryza_brachyantha.v1.4b.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: ObrachyanthaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 506Number of Reactions: 3217Number of Compounds: 2607Number of Enzymes: 6138Number of Citations: 4427
AmborellaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Amborella trichopodaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Atrichopoda_291_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: AmborellaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 500Number of Reactions: 3265Number of Compounds: 2662Number of Enzymes: 5242Number of Citations: 4393
PineappleCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Ananas comosusProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Acomosus_321_v3.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: PineappleCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 481Number of Reactions: 3082Number of Compounds: 2484Number of Enzymes: 5511Number of Citations: 4218
CamelinaCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Camelina sativaProtein Sequence Source: Ensembl: Camelina_sativa.Cs.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CamelinaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 415Number of Reactions: 2715Number of Compounds: 2263Number of Enzymes: 4221Number of Citations: 3697
SoleraceaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Spinacia oleraceaProtein Sequence Source: The Beta vulgaris Resource: SpiSet-1.genes.1408.pep Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: SoleraceaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 528Number of Reactions: 3451Number of Compounds: 2782Number of Enzymes: 5188Number of Citations: 4733
CorkoakCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Quercus suberProtein Sequence Source: NCBI: GCF_002906115.1_CorkOak1.0_protein.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CorkoakCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 542Number of Reactions: 4191Number of Compounds: 3438Number of Enzymes: 15232Number of Citations: 5112
TidestromiaCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Tidestromia suffruticosa oblongifoliaEnzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: TidestromiaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 486Number of Reactions: 3106Number of Compounds: 2503Number of Enzymes: 8497Number of Citations: 4235
Fvesca_vescaCyc 5.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Fragaria vescaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13: Fvesca_677_v4.0.a2.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: Fvesca_vescaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 517Number of Reactions: 3368Number of Compounds: 2726Number of Enzymes: 14504Number of Citations: 4525
MbalbisianaCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Musa balbisianaProtein Sequence Source: Banana Genome Hub: PKW_pep.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: MbalbisianaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 492Number of Reactions: 3074Number of Compounds: 2470Number of Enzymes: 6932Number of Citations: 4268
Oeuropaea_sylvestrisCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Olea europaeaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Oeuropaea_451_v1.0.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: Oeuropaea_sylvestrisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 507Number of Reactions: 3320Number of Compounds: 2687Number of Enzymes: 8601Number of Citations: 4472
AppleRingAcaciaCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Faidherbia albidaProtein Sequence Source: GigaDB: Faidherbia_albida.pep Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: AppleRingAcaciaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 367Number of Reactions: 2071Number of Compounds: 1771Number of Enzymes: 1410Number of Citations: 3125
PocketWaterLilyCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Nymphaea colorataProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome 13: ?Ncolorata_566_v1.2.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: PocketWaterLilyCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 320Number of Reactions: 1858Number of Compounds: 1581Number of Enzymes: 2195Number of Citations: 2778
CannuumCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Capsicum annuumProtein Sequence Source: SGN: Pepper.v.1.55.PEP.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CannuumCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 568Number of Reactions: 3730Number of Compounds: 3100Number of Enzymes: 8134Number of Citations: 5081
SorghumbicolorCyc 8.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Sorghum bicolorProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Sbicolor_454_v3.1.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SorghumbicolorCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 511Number of Reactions: 3319Number of Compounds: 2695Number of Enzymes: 9869Number of Citations: 4516
CroseusCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Catharanthus roseusProtein Sequence Source: Medicinal Plant Genomics Resource: cro_ap_asm_v2.proteins.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CroseusCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 515Number of Reactions: 3318Number of Compounds: 2702Number of Enzymes: 5411Number of Citations: 4499
TomatoCyc 7.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Solanum lycopersicumProtein Sequence Source: SGN: ITAG4.1_proteins.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: TomatoCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 562Number of Reactions: 3546Number of Compounds: 2870Number of Enzymes: 7671Number of Citations: 4880
GamNuiCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Gnetum montanumProtein Sequence Source: Data Dryad: Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: GamNuiCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 331Number of Reactions: 1900Number of Compounds: 1693Number of Enzymes: 1582Number of Citations: 2784
McommodaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Micromonas commodaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: MspRCC299_229_v3.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: McommodaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 325Number of Reactions: 2300Number of Compounds: 1865Number of Enzymes: 2176Number of Citations: 3118
AraCyc 18.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Arabidopsis thaliana colProtein Sequence Source: AraPort v11: Araport11_genes.201606.pep.repr.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Substantial manual curation of enzymes In addition, large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: AraCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 618Number of Reactions: 3837Number of Compounds: 3080Number of Enzymes: 10038Number of Citations: 7656
OglaberrimaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oryza glaberrimaProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v34: Oryza_glaberrima.AGI1.1.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OglaberrimaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 494Number of Reactions: 3162Number of Compounds: 2537Number of Enzymes: 6448Number of Citations: 4263
ApunctatusCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Anthoceros punctatusProtein Sequence Source: Hornwort genomes: Apunct_genome_PROT.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: ApunctatusCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 305Number of Reactions: 1755Number of Compounds: 1502Number of Enzymes: 1451Number of Citations: 2528
PoplarCyc 14.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Populus trichocarpaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13:Ptrichocarpa_533_v4.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: PoplarCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 524Number of Reactions: 3367Number of Compounds: 2703Number of Enzymes: 12053Number of Citations: 4697
Carietinum_icc4958Cyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Cicer arietinumProtein Sequence Source: CSFL: Ca_Pep_v2.fasta.txt Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: Carietinum_icc4958Cyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 513Number of Reactions: 3469Number of Compounds: 2752Number of Enzymes: 6518Number of Citations: 4527
SpennelliiCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Solanum pennelliiProtein Sequence Source: SGN: Spenn-v2-aa-annot.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SpennelliiCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 559Number of Reactions: 3714Number of Compounds: 2986Number of Enzymes: 7953Number of Citations: 4830
CrubellaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Capsella rubellaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Crubella_183_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CrubellaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 498Number of Reactions: 3227Number of Compounds: 2552Number of Enzymes: 6486Number of Citations: 4193
TparvulaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Schrenkiella parvulaProtein Sequence Source: TpV84ORFs.protein Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: TparvulaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 522Number of Reactions: 3546Number of Compounds: 2841Number of Enzymes: 5839Number of Citations: 4459
GarlicCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Allium sativumProtein Sequence Source: Figshare: Garlic.pep Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: GarlicCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 388Number of Reactions: 2341Number of Compounds: 2028Number of Enzymes: 2833Number of Citations: 3338
MdomesticaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Malus domesticaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Mdomestica_196_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: MdomesticaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 524Number of Reactions: 3485Number of Compounds: 2814Number of Enzymes: 10667Number of Citations: 4591
ChlamyCyc 11.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13: CreinhardtiiCC_4532_707_v6.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Primarily large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review supplemented with data and references curated by the GoFORSYS project at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc and ChlamyCyc 1.0 (created by the GoFORSYS project at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology) based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: ChlamyCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 375Number of Reactions: 2854Number of Compounds: 2081Number of Enzymes: 6633Number of Citations: 4270
OilpalmCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Elaeis guineensisProtein Sequence Source: Plaza Monocots 5.0: proteome.all_transcripts.egu.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OilpalmCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 467Number of Reactions: 3041Number of Compounds: 2440Number of Enzymes: 6222Number of Citations: 4127
AsparagusCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Asparagus officinalisProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Aofficinalis_498_V1.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: AsparagusCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 494Number of Reactions: 3230Number of Compounds: 2651Number of Enzymes: 5732Number of Citations: 4324
PotatoCyc 8.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Solanum tuberosumProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13:Stuberosum_686_v6.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: PotatoCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 561Number of Reactions: 3591Number of Compounds: 2906Number of Enzymes: 11678Number of Citations: 5060
CarnationCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Dianthus caryophyllusProtein Sequence Source: Kazusa Genome Database: DCA_r1.0_pep_woTE.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CarnationCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 510Number of Reactions: 3286Number of Compounds: 2702Number of Enzymes: 7737Number of Citations: 4428
SpiderflowerCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Tarenaya hasslerianaProtein Sequence Source: NCBI: GCF_000463585.1_ASM46358v1_protein.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: SpiderflowerCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 499Number of Reactions: 3251Number of Compounds: 2604Number of Enzymes: 9087Number of Citations: 4216
Csativa_pkCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Cannabis sativaProtein Sequence Source: Cannabis genome project ( canSat3_transcriptome-representative_ORFs.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: Csativa_pkCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 511Number of Reactions: 3347Number of Compounds: 2682Number of Enzymes: 5790Number of Citations: 4406
VcarteriCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Volvox carteriProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Vcarteri_317_v2.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: VcarteriCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 358Number of Reactions: 2732Number of Compounds: 2115Number of Enzymes: 3117Number of Citations: 3442
GinkgoCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Ginkgo bilobaProtein Sequence Source: GIGA DB: Ginkgo_biloba.HiC.protein.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: GinkgoCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 468Number of Reactions: 3160Number of Compounds: 2554Number of Enzymes: 7282Number of Citations: 4108
MexicanAvocadoCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Persea americana drymifoliaProtein Sequence Source: CoGe: 29305-CDS-prot.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: MexicanAvocadoCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 328Number of Reactions: 1898Number of Compounds: 1662Number of Enzymes: 1115Number of Citations: 2745
CornCyc 12.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Zea mays maysProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v55: Zea_mays.Zm-B73-REFERENCE-NAM-5.0.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc and MaizeGDB based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CornCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 512Number of Reactions: 3475Number of Compounds: 2769Number of Enzymes: 16347Number of Citations: 5238
OilseedrapeCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Brassica napusProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v34: Brassica_napus.AST_PRJEB5043_v1.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OilseedrapeCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 522Number of Reactions: 3487Number of Compounds: 2801Number of Enzymes: 20946Number of Citations: 4517
BambaraBeanCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Vigna subterraneaProtein Sequence Source: GigaDB: vigna_subterranea.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: BambaraBeanCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 361Number of Reactions: 2074Number of Compounds: 1771Number of Enzymes: 1400Number of Citations: 3083
PpersicaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Prunus persicaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Ppersica_298_v2.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: PpersicaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 514Number of Reactions: 3299Number of Compounds: 2657Number of Enzymes: 11142Number of Citations: 4424
CarrotCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Daucus carotaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Dcarota_388_v2.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CarrotCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 497Number of Reactions: 3233Number of Compounds: 2617Number of Enzymes: 7166Number of Citations: 4412
SpirodelaCyc 6.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Spirodela polyrhizaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Spolyrhiza_290_v2.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SpirodelaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 469Number of Reactions: 2883Number of Compounds: 2304Number of Enzymes: 4179Number of Citations: 3976
CsubellipsoideaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169Protein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: CsubellipsoideaC_169_227_v2.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CsubellipsoideaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 339Number of Reactions: 2489Number of Compounds: 1971Number of Enzymes: 2373Number of Citations: 3357
WatermelonCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Citrullus lanatusProtein Sequence Source: CuGenDB: WCG_protein_v2.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: WatermelonCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 486Number of Reactions: 3108Number of Compounds: 2546Number of Enzymes: 4786Number of Citations: 4283
GraimondiiCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Gossypium raimondiiProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Graimondii_221_v2.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: GraimondiiCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 506Number of Reactions: 3398Number of Compounds: 2765Number of Enzymes: 18360Number of Citations: 4482
MguttatusCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Erythranthe guttataProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Mguttatus_256_v2.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: MguttatusCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 496Number of Reactions: 3247Number of Compounds: 2665Number of Enzymes: 7676Number of Citations: 4363
SoyCyc 11.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Glycine maxProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Gmax_275_Wm82.a2.v1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SoyCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 546Number of Reactions: 3543Number of Compounds: 2803Number of Enzymes: 19410Number of Citations: 5381
OlongistaminataCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oryza longistaminataProtein Sequence Source: Ensembl: Oryza_longistaminata.O_longistaminata_v1.0.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OlongistaminataCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 511Number of Reactions: 3274Number of Compounds: 2697Number of Enzymes: 6950Number of Citations: 4441
BananaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Musa acuminataProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Macuminata_304_v1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: BananaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 500Number of Reactions: 3159Number of Compounds: 2539Number of Enzymes: 9872Number of Citations: 4325
QuinoaCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Chenopodium quinoaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Cquinoa_392_v1.0.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: QuinoaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 524Number of Reactions: 3335Number of Compounds: 2683Number of Enzymes: 10520Number of Citations: 4496
CashewCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Anacardium occidentaleProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Aoccidentale_449_v0.9.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CashewCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 518Number of Reactions: 3414Number of Compounds: 2757Number of Enzymes: 19150Number of Citations: 4571
StoraCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Senna toraProtein Sequence Source: NABIC: SETOT.complete.protein.20191226.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: StoraCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 345Number of Reactions: 1961Number of Compounds: 1696Number of Enzymes: 1356Number of Citations: 2982
CucumberCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Cucumis sativusProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Csativus_122_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CucumberCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 495Number of Reactions: 3142Number of Compounds: 2534Number of Enzymes: 7228Number of Citations: 4344
WatermossCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Salvinia cucullataProtein Sequence Source: FernBase: Salvinia_cucullata.protein.highconfidence_v1.2.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: WatermossCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 301Number of Reactions: 1642Number of Compounds: 1396Number of Enzymes: 760Number of Citations: 2447
GrapeCyc 11.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Vitis viniferaProtein Sequence Source: Ensembl Plants v54:Vitis_vinifera.PN40024.v4.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: GrapeCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 535Number of Reactions: 3471Number of Compounds: 2834Number of Enzymes: 9360Number of Citations: 4753
MoringaCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Moringa oleiferaProtein Sequence Source: GigaDB: moringa_oleifera.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: MoringaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 312Number of Reactions: 1805Number of Compounds: 1600Number of Enzymes: 887Number of Citations: 2576
OryzaCyc 8.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oryza sativa Japonica GroupProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Osativa_323_v7.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: OryzaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 524Number of Reactions: 3439Number of Compounds: 2736Number of Enzymes: 8338Number of Citations: 5305
OlucimarinusCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Ostreococcus sp. lucimarinusProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Olucimarinus_231_v2.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OlucimarinusCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 312Number of Reactions: 2119Number of Compounds: 1743Number of Enzymes: 1797Number of Citations: 3017
BarleyCyc 9.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Hordeum vulgareProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v55: Hordeum_vulgare.MorexV3_pseudomolecules_assembly.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: BarleyCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 493Number of Reactions: 3092Number of Compounds: 2519Number of Enzymes: 7893Number of Citations: 4373
RchinensisCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Rosa chinensisProtein Sequence Source: Genome Database for Rosaceae: Rosa_chinensis_Old_Blush_homozygous_genome-v2.0.a1.prot.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: RchinensisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 523Number of Reactions: 3442Number of Compounds: 2811Number of Enzymes: 9617Number of Citations: 4533
CassavaCyc 11.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Manihot esculentaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13:Mesculenta_671_v8.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CassavaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 519Number of Reactions: 3364Number of Compounds: 2718Number of Enzymes: 13522Number of Citations: 4528
CastorbeanCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Ricinus communisProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Rcommunis_119_v0.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CastorbeanCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 532Number of Reactions: 4034Number of Compounds: 3254Number of Enzymes: 6978Number of Citations: 4998
StrawberryCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Fragaria x ananassaProtein Sequence Source: GDR: Fragaria_ananassa_v1.0.a2.proteins.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: StrawberryCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 357Number of Reactions: 2166Number of Compounds: 1909Number of Enzymes: 5344Number of Citations: 3218
CvariabilisCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Chlorella variabilisProtein Sequence Source: JGI: Chlorella_NC64A.fix_proteins.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CvariabilisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 356Number of Reactions: 2662Number of Compounds: 2090Number of Enzymes: 17711Number of Citations: 3496
WheataCyc 7.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Triticum urartuProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v54: Triticum_urartu.IGDB.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: WheataCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 495Number of Reactions: 3312Number of Compounds: 2695Number of Enzymes: 11450Number of Citations: 4440
HaasAvocadoCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Persea americana americanaProtein Sequence Source: CoGe: 29302-CDS-prot.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: HaasAvocadoCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 318Number of Reactions: 1839Number of Compounds: 1581Number of Enzymes: 1155Number of Citations: 2680
MosobambooCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Phyllostachys edulisProtein Sequence Source: GIGA DB: Bamboo.Hic.pep.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: MosobambooCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 520Number of Reactions: 3338Number of Compounds: 2724Number of Enzymes: 12479Number of Citations: 4521
Aagrestis_BonnCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Anthoceros agrestisProtein Sequence Source: Hornwort genomes: AagrBONN_genome_PROT.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: Aagrestis_BonnCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 309Number of Reactions: 1802Number of Compounds: 1579Number of Enzymes: 1809Number of Citations: 2652
OmeridionalisCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oryza meridionalisProtein Sequence Source: Ensembl: Oryza_meridionalis.Oryza_meridionalis_v1.3.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OmeridionalisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 482Number of Reactions: 3119Number of Compounds: 2595Number of Enzymes: 8563Number of Citations: 4305
BlackPepperCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Piper nigrumProtein Sequence Source: Group of Cotton Genetic Improvement: Piper_nigrum.pep Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: BlackPepperCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 370Number of Reactions: 2089Number of Compounds: 1829Number of Enzymes: 2380Number of Citations: 3108
RedcloverCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Trifolium pratenseProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Tpratense_385_v2.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: RedcloverCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 575Number of Reactions: 3796Number of Compounds: 3040Number of Enzymes: 9072Number of Citations: 4923
CcampestrisCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Cuscuta campestrisProtein Sequence Source: Cuscuta campestris Genome Project: data_cucam_0.32.annot.protein.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CcampestrisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 515Number of Reactions: 3426Number of Compounds: 2789Number of Enzymes: 9559Number of Citations: 4523
SugarbeetCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Beta vulgaris vulgarisProtein Sequence Source: The Beta vulgaris Resource: BeetSet-2.genes.1408.pep Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: SugarbeetCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 527Number of Reactions: 3529Number of Compounds: 2849Number of Enzymes: 5707Number of Citations: 4726
CzofingiensisCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Chromochloris zofingiensisProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Czofingiensis_461_v5.2.3.2.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CzofingiensisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 358Number of Reactions: 2773Number of Compounds: 2204Number of Enzymes: 3198Number of Citations: 3416
WheatDCyc 6.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Aegilops tauschiiProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v34: Aegilops_tauschii.ASM34733v1.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: WheatDCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 546Number of Reactions: 3808Number of Compounds: 3083Number of Enzymes: 81358Number of Citations: 4851
HopCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Humulus lupulusProtein Sequence Source: HopBase v1.1: natsume.shinsuwase.v1.1.20160111.pep Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: HopCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 526Number of Reactions: 3517Number of Compounds: 2838Number of Enzymes: 12061Number of Citations: 4585
MossCyc 9.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Physcomitrium patensProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Ppatens_318_v3.3.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: MossCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 430Number of Reactions: 3127Number of Compounds: 2483Number of Enzymes: 18964Number of Citations: 3903
Aagrestis_oxfordCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Anthoceros agrestisProtein Sequence Source: Hornwort genomes: AagrOXF_genome_PROT.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: Aagrestis_oxfordCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 289Number of Reactions: 1673Number of Compounds: 1459Number of Enzymes: 1725Number of Citations: 2425
OnivaraCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oryza nivaraProtein Sequence Source: Ensembl: Oryza_nivara.Oryza_nivara_v1.0.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OnivaraCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 508Number of Reactions: 3248Number of Compounds: 2637Number of Enzymes: 8988Number of Citations: 4384
Boleracea_capitataCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Brassica oleracea capitataProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Boleraceacapitata_446_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: Boleracea_capitataCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 480Number of Reactions: 3114Number of Compounds: 2495Number of Enzymes: 7628Number of Citations: 4040
RedsageCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Salvia miltiorrhizaProtein Sequence Source: Herbal Medicine Omics Database: danshen.pep (file no longer available for download online) Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: RedsageCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 516Number of Reactions: 3371Number of Compounds: 2731Number of Enzymes: 7233Number of Citations: 4462
CcapsularisCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Corchorus capsularisProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v38: Corchorus_capsularis.CCACVL1_1.0.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CcapsularisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 503Number of Reactions: 3179Number of Compounds: 2528Number of Enzymes: 5256Number of Citations: 4381
SunflowerCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Helianthus annuusProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Hannuus_494_r1.2.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SunflowerCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 524Number of Reactions: 3440Number of Compounds: 2779Number of Enzymes: 11463Number of Citations: 4623
DatepalmCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Phoenix dactyliferaProtein Sequence Source: Date Palm Research Program: PDK30-pep.fsa.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: DatepalmCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 528Number of Reactions: 3380Number of Compounds: 2710Number of Enzymes: 5908Number of Citations: 4526
WildsugarcaneCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Saccharum spontaneumProtein Sequence Source: The Ming Laboratory, University of Illinois: Sspon.v20190103.protein.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: WildsugarcaneCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 571Number of Reactions: 3855Number of Compounds: 3121Number of Enzymes: 19663Number of Citations: 5017
HuskTomatoCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Physalis pubescensProtein Sequence Source: NGDC: GWHANUX00000000.Protein.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: HuskTomatoCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 334Number of Reactions: 1916Number of Compounds: 1670Number of Enzymes: 1362Number of Citations: 2892
MpolymorphaCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Marchantia polymorphaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Mpolymorpha_320_v3.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: MpolymorphaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 432Number of Reactions: 2926Number of Compounds: 2327Number of Enzymes: 5159Number of Citations: 3759
AangustusCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Anthoceros angustusProtein Sequence Source: Data Dryad: Anthoceros.angustus.coding.gene.pep Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: AangustusCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 284Number of Reactions: 1587Number of Compounds: 1385Number of Enzymes: 640Number of Citations: 2431
OpunctataCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oryza punctataProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v34: Oryza_punctata.AVCL00000000.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OpunctataCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 498Number of Reactions: 3197Number of Compounds: 2578Number of Enzymes: 8322Number of Citations: 4318
Boleracea_oleraceaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Brassica oleraceaProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v34: Brassica_oleracea.v2.1.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: Boleracea_oleraceaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 504Number of Reactions: 3319Number of Compounds: 2645Number of Enzymes: 12347Number of Citations: 4247
RmultifloraCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Rosa multifloraProtein Sequence Source: Kazusa Genome Database: RMU_r2.0.pep Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: RmultifloraCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 530Number of Reactions: 3496Number of Compounds: 2861Number of Enzymes: 13808Number of Citations: 4655
CgrandifloraCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Capsella grandifloraProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Cgrandiflora_266_v1.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: CgrandifloraCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 491Number of Reactions: 3169Number of Compounds: 2496Number of Enzymes: 6027Number of Citations: 4135
SviridisCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Setaria viridisProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Sviridis_500_v2.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: SviridisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 518Number of Reactions: 3318Number of Compounds: 2705Number of Enzymes: 10579Number of Citations: 4471
DrabaCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Draba nivalisProtein Sequence Source: Data Dryad: Dniva.Maker.Run5.all.proteins.NumberedGenes.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: DrabaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 333Number of Reactions: 1901Number of Compounds: 1691Number of Enzymes: 1409Number of Citations: 2833
ValleyoakCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Quercus lobataProtein Sequence Source: Valley Oak Genome Project: Qlobata.v3.0.PCG.prot.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: ValleyoakCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 531Number of Reactions: 3449Number of Compounds: 2813Number of Enzymes: 9710Number of Citations: 4600
JackfruitCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Artocarpus heterophyllusProtein Sequence Source: AOCC: Arthe_prot_LATEST.tfa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: JackfruitCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 371Number of Reactions: 2182Number of Compounds: 1906Number of Enzymes: 1667Number of Citations: 3173
MpusillaCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Micromonas pusillaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: MpusillaCCMP1545_228_v3.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: MpusillaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 323Number of Reactions: 2283Number of Compounds: 1869Number of Enzymes: 2110Number of Citations: 3133
AcoeruleaCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Aquilegia coeruleaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Acoerulea_322_v3.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: AcoeruleaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 525Number of Reactions: 3351Number of Compounds: 2687Number of Enzymes: 9730Number of Citations: 4489
OrufipogonCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oryza rufipogonProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v34: Oryza_rufipogon.OR_W1943.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OrufipogonCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 504Number of Reactions: 3279Number of Compounds: 2653Number of Enzymes: 8787Number of Citations: 4447
BrachypodiumCyc 9.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Brachypodium distachyonProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13:Bdistachyon_314_v3.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: BrachypodiumCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 500Number of Reactions: 3246Number of Compounds: 2638Number of Enzymes: 12097Number of Citations: 4341
RosemaryCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Salvia rosmarinusProtein Sequence Source: Data Dryad: ros_aa.gene_models.hc.pep.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: RosemaryCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 392Number of Reactions: 2295Number of Compounds: 1936Number of Enzymes: 2441Number of Citations: 3337
RubbertreeCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Hevea brasiliensisProtein Sequence Source: Rubber Genome & Transcriptome Database: hevea_amino.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: RubbertreeCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 575Number of Reactions: 3886Number of Compounds: 3187Number of Enzymes: 9880Number of Citations: 5072
CgiganteaCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Calotropis giganteaProtein Sequence Source: Medicinal Plant Genomics Resource: cal_hc_gene_models.rmscaff.repr.pep Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: CgiganteaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 490Number of Reactions: 3205Number of Compounds: 2601Number of Enzymes: 4629Number of Citations: 4236
SweetcherryCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Prunus aviumProtein Sequence Source: PAV_r1.0.proteins.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: SweetcherryCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 521Number of Reactions: 3326Number of Compounds: 2695Number of Enzymes: 6897Number of Citations: 4471
DrotundataCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Dioscorea cayenensis rotundataProtein Sequence Source: EnsemblPlants v54: Dioscorea_rotundata.TDr96_F1_v2_PseudoChromosome.pep.all.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: DrotundataCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 524Number of Reactions: 3443Number of Compounds: 2808Number of Enzymes: 13260Number of Citations: 4569
VanillaCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Vanilla planifoliaProtein Sequence Source: NCBI Genome: GCA_016413895.1_Elo_Vpla-A_principal_1.0_protein.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: VanillaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 310Number of Reactions: 1740Number of Compounds: 1545Number of Enzymes: 1069Number of Citations: 2504
KfedtschenkoiCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Kalanchoe fedtschenkoiProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Kfedtschenkoi_382_v1.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: KfedtschenkoiCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 504Number of Reactions: 3312Number of Compounds: 2689Number of Enzymes: 10403Number of Citations: 4413
MsinensisCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Miscanthus sinensisProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Msinensis_497_v7.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: MsinensisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 520Number of Reactions: 3507Number of Compounds: 2813Number of Enzymes: 17581Number of Citations: 4614
AfilliculoidesCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Azolla filiculoidesProtein Sequence Source: FernBase: Azolla_filiculoides.protein.highconfidence_v1.1.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: AfilliculoidesCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 303Number of Reactions: 1731Number of Compounds: 1484Number of Enzymes: 941Number of Citations: 2673
OthomaeumCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Oropetium thomaeumProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Othomaeum_386_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: OthomaeumCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 489Number of Reactions: 3052Number of Compounds: 2443Number of Enzymes: 5409Number of Citations: 4256
Brapa_fpscCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Brassica rapaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: BrapaFPsc_277_v1.3.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: Brapa_fpscCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 505Number of Reactions: 3279Number of Compounds: 2602Number of Enzymes: 9667Number of Citations: 4270
RyeCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Secale cerealeProtein Sequence Source: NGDC: GWHASIY00000000.Protein.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: RyeCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 377Number of Reactions: 2175Number of Compounds: 1923Number of Enzymes: 2070Number of Citations: 3231
ChinesecabbageCyc 9.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Brassica rapa pekinensisProtein Sequence Source: BrassicaDB: Brara_Chiifu_V3.5_pep.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: ChinesecabbageCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 508Number of Reactions: 3354Number of Compounds: 2666Number of Enzymes: 20905Number of Citations: 4335
SweetorangeCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Citrus sinensisProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Csinensis_154_v1.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: SweetorangeCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 514Number of Reactions: 3378Number of Compounds: 2734Number of Enzymes: 11835Number of Citations: 4491
EggplantCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Solanum melongenaProtein Sequence Source: Kazusas Genome Database: SME_r2.5.1_pep.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: EggplantCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 518Number of Reactions: 3358Number of Compounds: 2685Number of Enzymes: 6997Number of Citations: 4581
ZmarinaCyc 5.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Zostera marinaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13: Zmarina_668_v3.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: ZmarinaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 449Number of Reactions: 2859Number of Compounds: 2284Number of Enzymes: 4494Number of Citations: 3774
KlaxifloraCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Kalanchoe laxifloraProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Klaxiflora_309_v1.1.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: KlaxifloraCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 508Number of Reactions: 3294Number of Compounds: 2670Number of Enzymes: 16221Number of Citations: 4470
MtruncatulaCyc 5.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Medicago truncatulaProtein Sequence Source: INRA: MtrunA17r5.0-ANR.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: MtruncatulaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 534Number of Reactions: 3412Number of Compounds: 2773Number of Enzymes: 9212Number of Citations: 4643
AhalleriCyc 5.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Arabidopsis halleriProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v13: Ahalleri_765_v2.1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: AhalleriCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 503Number of Reactions: 3265Number of Compounds: 2603Number of Enzymes: 9302Number of Citations: 4274
PapayaCyc 9.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Carica papayaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Cpapaya_113_ASGPBv0.4.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: PapayaCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 493Number of Reactions: 3248Number of Compounds: 2605Number of Enzymes: 5052Number of Citations: 4197
BreadfruitCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Artocarpus altilisProtein Sequence Source: AOCC: Artal_prot_LATEST.tfa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: BreadfruitCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 353Number of Reactions: 2059Number of Compounds: 1782Number of Enzymes: 1540Number of Citations: 3095
SacredlotusCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Nelumbo nuciferaProtein Sequence Source: NCBI: GCF_000365185.1_Chinese_Lotus_1.1_protein.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: SacredlotusCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 498Number of Reactions: 3210Number of Compounds: 2588Number of Enzymes: 8674Number of Citations: 4296
ClementineCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Citrus x clementinaProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Cclementina_182_v1.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: ClementineCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 510Number of Reactions: 3308Number of Compounds: 2672Number of Enzymes: 8480Number of Citations: 4426
SweetWormwoodCyc 1.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Artemisia annuaProtein Sequence Source: NCBI Genome: GCA_003112345.1_ASM311234v1_protein.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: SweetWormwoodCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 420Number of Reactions: 2566Number of Compounds: 2176Number of Enzymes: 2967Number of Citations: 3541
EgrandisCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Eucalyptus grandisProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Egrandis_297_v2.0.protein.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: EgrandisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 520Number of Reactions: 3406Number of Compounds: 2782Number of Enzymes: 12168Number of Citations: 4477
LerCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Arabidopsis thaliana lerProtein Sequence Source: NCBI: a_thaliana_thale_cress_protein.faa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: LerCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 309Number of Reactions: 2875Number of Compounds: 2383Number of Enzymes: 7033Number of Citations: 3135
MuskmelonCyc 2.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Cucumis meloProtein Sequence Source: Melonomics: CM4.0_protein.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: MuskmelonCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 493Number of Reactions: 3139Number of Compounds: 2530Number of Enzymes: 5509Number of Citations: 4329
AhypochondriacusCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Amaranthus hypochondriacusProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v12: Ahypochondriacus_459_v2.1.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: AhypochondriacusCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 502Number of Reactions: 3144Number of Compounds: 2560Number of Enzymes: 5422Number of Citations: 4463
PaxillarisCyc 3.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Petunia axillarisProtein Sequence Source: SGN: Petunia_axillaris_v1.6.2_proteins.fasta Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Primarily computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on experimental evidence or curator inference Link to PGDB: PaxillarisCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 570Number of Reactions: 3788Number of Compounds: 3024Number of Enzymes: 8015Number of Citations: 4898
BreadwheatCyc 4.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: Triticum aestivumProtein Sequence Source: Phytozome v11 (early): Taestivum_296_v2.2.protein_primaryTranscriptOnly.fa Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Almost exclusively large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Small number of manually curated enzymes Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: BreadwheatCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 576Number of Reactions: 3888Number of Compounds: 3158Number of Enzymes: 30897Number of Citations: 5116
PlantCyc 16.0.0 ParentOverviewReleased: PMN 16.0 (July 2024) Taxonomic Range: primarily ViridiplantaeProtein Sequence Source: Varies according to source: All enzymes have been imported from PMN databases or MetaCyc. Enzyme Functional Annotation Method: E2P2v5.0 Enzyme Evidence: Substantial manual curation of enzymes In addition, large-scale computational predictions of enzyme function not subject to curator review Pathway Prediction Program: Pathway Tools 28.0SAVI pathway validation lists: MCP 2.0AIPP 7.0CAPP 7.0CVP 7.0NPP 10.0UPP 10.0 Pathway Evidence: Substantial manual curation of pathways Some computational prediction of pathways followed by SAVI refinement and curator review Additional pathways imported from MetaCyc based on curator inference Link to PGDB: PlantCyc Content StatisticsNumber of Pathways: 1162Number of Reactions: 5477Number of Compounds: 4906Number of Enzymes: 4549Number of Citations: 11885