PMN 9.0 provides enhanced predictions of enzymes, reactions and pathways!
We improved enzyme and reaction prediction using our new version Ensemble Enzyme Prediction Pipeline (E2P2 v2.1) and update all the 17 species-specific databases.
- AraCyc (Arabidopsis)
- BarleyCyc
- BrachypodiumCyc
- CassavaCyc (cassava, yucca)
- ChineseCabbageCyc
- ChlamyCyc (a green alga)
- CornCyc
- GrapeCyc (wine grape)
- MossCyc (Physcomitrella patens)
- OryzaCyc (rice)
- PapayaCyc
- PoplarCyc
- SelaginellaCyc (a lycophyte)
- SetariaCyc
- SorghumBicolorCyc (sorghum)
- SoyCyc
- SwitchgrassCyc