This list includes all the pathways that have been added to PlantCyc 5.0 since the release of PlantCyc 1.0. It includes pathways generated and curated at the PMN, MetaCyc, or at other collaborator databases since the initial PlantCyc 1.0 build:
- acetaldehyde biosynthesis I
- acetaldehyde biosynthesis II
- acridone alkaloid biosynthesis
- afrormosin conjugates interconversion
- alanine degradation II (to D-lactate)
- aldehyde oxidation I
- alfalone and afrormosin biosynthesis
- alizarin biosynthesis
- aloesone biosynthesis II
- ammonium transport
- amygdalin and prunasin degradation
- antheraxanthin and violaxanthin biosynthesis
- apigenin glycosides biosynthesis
- arabidiol biosynthesis
- arachidonate and eicosapentaenoate biosynthesis
- arginine degradation I (arginase pathway)
- aromatic polyketides biosynthesis
- ascorbate biosynthesis II (L-gulose pathway)
- ascorbate biosynthesis III (VTC2 cycle)
- ascorbate biosynthesis IV (extended VTC2 cycle)
- asparagine degradation I
- avenacin biosynthesis
- barbaloin biosynthesis
- baruol biosynthesis
- benzoate biosynthesis I
- benzoate biosynthesis II
- benzoate biosynthesis III
- benzoylanthranilate biosynthesis
- bergamotene biosynthesis I
- bergamotene biosynthesis II
- beta-carboline biosynthesis
- beta-carotene biosynthesis
- beta-caryophyllene biosynthesis
- beta-cubebene biosynthesis
- biotin-carboxyl carrier protein
- bornyl diphosphate biosynthesis
- brassinosteroids inactivation
- C30 botryococcene biosynthesis
- caffeine degradation I (main, plants)
- caffeine degradation II
- caffeoylglucarate biosynthesis *
- camptothecin biosynthesis
- capsaicin biosynthesis
- capsiconiate biosynthesis
- cardenolide biosynthesis
- cardenolide glucosides biosynthesis
- 3-carene biosynthesis
- casbene biosynthesis
- CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthesis I
- ceramide degradation
- C-glycosylflavone biosynthesis *
- chlorogenic acid biosynthesis I
- chlorogenic acid biosynthesis II
- chrysoeriol biosynthesis
- cinchona alkaloids biosynthesis
- cinnamate esters biosynthesis
- cis-calamenene related sesquiterpenoids biosynthesis
- 2,3-cis-flavanols biosynthesis
- cocaine biosynthesis
- colchicine biosynthesis
- costunolide biosynthesis II *
- crepenynic acid biosynthesis
- curcumene biosynthesis
- curcuminoid biosynthesis
- dalcochinin biosynthesis
- dalpatein and dalnigrein biosynthesis
- dammara-18(28),21-diene biosynthesis
- dehydroscoulerine biosynthesis
- delta-carotene biosynthesis
- delta-guaiene biosynthesis *
- 2'-deoxymugineic acid phytosiderophore biosynthesis
- dhurrin degradation
- dicranin biosynthesis
- dihydroconiferyl aldehyde biosynthesis
- 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate biosynthesis
- diploterol and cycloartenol biosynthesis
- echinatin biosynthesis
- ent-kaurene biosynthesis II *
- ephedrine biosynthesis
- epoxypseudoisoeugenol-2-methylbutyrate biosynthesis
- eudesmol biosynthesis
- eugenol and isoeugenol biosynthesis
- farnesylcysteine salvage pathway
- Fe(II)-NA phloem transport
- Fe(III)-phytosiderophore transport
- Fe(III)-reduction and Fe(II) transport
- fenchol biosynthesis I
- fenchol biosynthesis II
- fenchone biosynthesis
- flavonol glucosylation I
- furaneol biosynthesis
- glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle
- gallate biosynthesis
- gamma-glutamyl cycle (plant pathway)
- GDP-glucose biosynthesis
- GDP-mannose biosynthesis
- geraniol and geranial biosynthesis
- geranyl acetate biosynthesis
- gibberellin inactivation II (methylation)
- gibberellin inactivation III (epoxidation)
- ginsenoside degradation III
- gluconeogenesis I
- glucosinolate biosynthesis from dihomomethionine
- glucosinolate biosynthesis from hexahomomethionine
- glucosinolate biosynthesis from pentahomomethionine
- glucosinolate biosynthesis from tetrahomomethionine
- glucosinolate biosynthesis from trihomomethionine
- glucosinolate breakdown (via thiocyanate-forming protein)
- glutamine biosynthesis III
- glutathione redox reactions II
- glycine cleavage complex
- glycolysis II
- heliannuol and heliespirone biosynthesis
- heliocides biosynthesis
- hispidol biosynthesis
- homospermidine biosynthesis
- hordatine biosynthesis
- 4-hydroxybenzoate biosynthesis IV, plant variant
- 4-hydroxybenzoate biosynthesis V, plant variant
- 4-hydroxycoumarin biosynthesis
- hydroxyjasmonate sulfate biosynthesis
- hydroxylated fatty acid biosynthesis
- hydroxylated mugineic acid phytosiderophore biosynthesis
- 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate biosynthesis
- hyperforin biosynthesis
- hypericin biosynthesis
- hypoglycin biosynthesis
- hypusine biosynthesis
- IAA biosynthesis IV
- IAA conjugate biosynthesis III
- IAA degradation V
- IAA degradation VI
- IAA degradation VII
- indole glucosinolate breakdown (active in intact plant cell)
- Indole glucosinolate breakdown (insect chewing induced)
- indole-3-acetyl-amino acid biosynthesis
- irilone biosynthesis
- isoprene biosynthesis
- isovitexin and isovitexin glycosides biosynthesis
- jasmonoyl-amino acid conjugates biosynthesis I
- jasmonoyl-amino acid conjugates biosynthesis II
- juglone biosynthesis
- juvenile hormone III biosynthesis
- labdane-type diterpenes biosynthesis *
- lawsone biosynthesis
- linear furonocoumarin biosynthesis II
- linoleate biosynthesis
- lotaustralin biosynthesis
- lotaustralin degradation
- lupinate biosynthesis
- lutein biosynthesis
- luteolin glycosides biosynthesis
- lychnose biosynthesis *
- magnoflorine biosynthesis
- mangrove triterpenoid biosynthesis
- marneral biosynthesis
- maysin biosynthesis
- methyl indole-3-acetate interconversion
- methylketone biosynthesis *
- methylquercetin biosynthesis
- momilactone biosynthesis
- myo-inositol biosynthesis
- nicotianamine biosynthesis
- nonaprenyl diphosphate biosynthesis
- nonaprenyl diphosphate biosynthesis II *
- oligomeric urushiol biosynthesis
- olivetol biosynthesis
- omega-hydroxylation of caprate and laurate
- omega-hydroxylation of laurate
- O-methylation of tricetin *
- ornithine biosynthesis
- oryzalexin A-F biosynthesis
- oryzalexin S biosynthesis
- oxalate degradation IV *
- oxidative ethanol degradation I
- oxidized GTP and dGTP detoxification
- palmitate biosynthesis
- patchoulol biosynthesis
- peonidin and derivatives biosynthesis
- perillyl alcohol biosynthesis
- petivericin biosynthesis *
- phaselate biosynthesis
- phenylphenalenone biosynthesis
- phloridzin biosynthesis *
- phosphate acquisition in cell wall regeneration
- phosphate utilization
- phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis I
- phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis II
- phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis III
- phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis IV
- phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis I
- phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis II
- phytocassane biosynthesis
- pinitol biosynthesis I
- pinitol biosynthesis II
- plant sterol biosynthesis II
- plaunotol biosynthesis *
- plumbagin biosynthesis
- poly-hydroxy fatty acids biosynthesis
- ppGpp biosynthesis
- pterostilbene biosynthesis *
- putrescine biosynthesis III
- putrescine biosynthesis IV
- putrescine degradation IV
- pyridoxal 5'-phosphate biosynthesis
- pyridoxal 5'-phosphate biosynthesis II
- pyrimidine ribonucleosides degradation II
- quercetinsulphates biosynthesis
- ricinoleate biosynthesis
- robustaquinone biosynthesis
- rotenoid biosynthesis II
- rubber biosynthesis
- S-adenosylmethionine biosynthesis
- salicin biosynthesis
- salicortin biosynthesis
- salicylate glucosides biosynthesis I
- salicylate glucosides biosynthesis II
- salicylate glucosides biosynthesis III
- salicylate glucosides biosynthesis IV
- santalene biosynthesis
- sciadonic acid biosynthesis
- scopoletin biosynthesis
- scopolin biosynthesis
- Se volatilization (in Se accumulator plants)
- selinene biosynthesis
- serine racemization
- serinol biosynthesis
- simplecoumarins biosynthesis
- sitosterol biosynthesis
- sorgoleone biosynthesis
- spermidine hydroxycinnamic acid conjugates biosynthesis
- spermine and spermidine degradation II
- spermine and spermidine degradation III
- sporopollenin precursor biosynthesis
- stachyose degradation *
- stearate biosynthesis
- stellariose and mediose biosynthesis *
- stigma estolide biosynthesis
- t-anethole biosynthesis
- tartrate biosynthesis
- TCA cycle V
- thalianol and derivatives biosynthesis
- thiamine biosynthesis
- thymine degradation
- TMTT biosynthesis
- trans-lycopene biosynthesis I (bacteria)(has been deleted and replaced)
- trans-lycopene biosynthesis II (plants)
- 2,3-trans-flavanols biosynthesis
- trichloroethylene degradation
- trichome monoterpenes biosynthesis
- 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene biosynthesis
- 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) degradation
- triterpene saponin biosynthesis
- tuberonate glucoside biosynthesis
- ubiquinone-9 biosynthesis
- urate biosynthesis
- urate degradation to allantoin
- usnate biosynthesis
- valencene and 7-epi-alpha-selinene biosynthesis
- vernolic acid biosynthesis
- vitexin and detivatives biosynthesis
- wax esters biosynthesis I
- wax esters biosynthesis II
- xylan biosynthesis
- xylogalacturonan biosynthesis
- zeaxanthin biosynthesis
- zerumbone biosynthesis
- superpathway of alliin degradation
- superpathway of anthocyanin biosynthesis (from cyanidin and cyanidin 3-O-glucoside)
- superpathway of C28 brassinosteroid biosynthesis
- superpathway of choline biosynthesis
- superpathway of flavones and derivatives biosynthesis
- superpathway of GA12 biosynthesis
- superpathway of geranylgeranyldiphosphate biosynthesis I (cytosolic)
- superpathway of geranylgeranyldiphosphate biosynthesis I (plastidic)
- superpathway of gibberellin biosynthesis
- superpathway of gluconate degradation
- superpathway of glyoxylate cycle
- superpathway of histidine, purine, and pyrimidine biosynthesis
- superpathway of jasmonoyl-amino acid conjugates biosynthesis
- superpathway of polyamine biosynthesis II
- superpathway of purines degradation in plants
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