By Administrator
We continue to roll out our PMN 8 release that started in June:
New additions:
- PlantCyc 8.0 (350+ plant species)
- AraCyc 11.5 (Arabidopsis)
- ChlamyCyc 3.5 (a green alga)
- CornCyc 3.5
Released in June 2013:
Seven new databases:
- BarleyCyc
- BrachypodiumCyc
- ChineseCabbageCyc
- OryzaCyc (rice)
- SetariaCyc
- SorghumBicolorCyc (sorghum)
- SwitchgrassCyc
Seven updated databases:
- CassavaCyc (cassava, yucca)
- GrapeCyc (wine grape)
- MossCyc (Physcomitrella patens)
- PapayaCyc
- PoplarCyc
- SelaginellaCyc (a lycophyte)
- SoyCyc
Plus explore new software features for data display and analysis at the PMN website.